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Home Remodeling: Working with an Architect – What to Expect Part 1

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If you’re thinking of working with an architect to remodel your home, then you’re in for a new and exciting experience! In this video, we’ll share some of the things to expect when working with an architect, from the initial consultation to the final stages of the project.

This video is the first in a series about working with an architect, so be sure to check back for more tips and advice about remodeling your home. By the end of this series, you’ll have everything you need to know to make the most of your home remodeling experience!

When working with an architect, it’s essential to understand what to expect throughout the process. This helps ensure that your project runs smoothly and that you end up with the space you’ve always dreamed of. Here’s a look at what you can expect when working with an architect:

1. Initial consultation: The first step in working with an architect is to schedule an initial consultation. During this meeting, you’ll discuss your goals and vision for the project, and the architect will ask you questions to understand your needs better.
2. Pre-Design: Before the architect can begin designing your space, they’ll need to conduct a site analysis. This will involve assessing the location, topography, zoning, and other factors that could impact the design of your project.
3. Schematic Design: Once the site analysis is complete, the architect will begin creating a design concept for your project. This may involve creating drawings, sketches, or computer-generated images to help you visualize the space.
4. Design development: After the design concept has been established, the architect will move on to the design development phase. This will involve creating detailed drawings and specifications for the project and making any necessary revisions based on your feedback.

Want to talk to an architect about your project? Click the link to schedule an appointment where I can explain my process in more in-depth.

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@ Broiler Poultry Farming @
Introduction of Broiler Chicken:- What is broiler? its a tender meat young chicken of male or female that grows from a hatch weight of 40 grams to a weight over approximately around 1.5 kg to 2 kg in about 6 weak time period only.Broilers today has emerged has the on of the fastest growing poultry segment with the incresed acceptence of broiler chicken meat in cities, towns, and villages the demand and consumption of broiler chicken is increasing day by day in a fast pace. In India, during the last few years. Poultry farming has taken a U-turn from a backyard venture into a fastest growing commercial sector. for achieving better profits from poultry industry. One should be aware and have good knowledge on its technicality viz. housing, breed, feed management, and over all maintenance.

The poultry birds which are raised for commercial meat production are called broiler poultry. By using modern farming methods broiler chickens become suitable for consumption within their 5 to 6 weeks of age. However, see the common raising systems which are mostly used for commercial broiler poultry farming.

Indoor Raising Methods: In this method broilers are kept inside a house. Rice hulls, wood shavings, peanut shells etc. are used as litter in the floor of the house. In this system the broilers are kept in a large and open house (known as grow out houses) and they become suitable for consumption within their 5 to 6 weeks of age. This types of poultry houses are well equipped with mechanical systems for delivering the feed and water to the poultry birds. Well ventilation system, coolers and heaters are must. It is very important to keep the house always dry and clean. Generally a house of 400 feet long and 40 feet wide can accommodate about 20,000 birds. One-half square feet space is required per bird.
Free-Range Methods: In free-range broiler farming methods the broilers are kept like the free-range layers. The broiler breeds which grows slowly(takes more than 8 weeks for reaching slaughter weight) are suitable for raising in this systems. The main facilities of free-range farming systems is that, it allows the birds scratching, foraging, pecking and outdoor exercise.
Organic Farming Methods: Organic farming method is almost the same as free-range farming systems. But the main difference is that, in organic farming methods the birds are not allowed for randomly using of in-feed or in-water medications, other food additives and synthetic amino acids. This system is very suitable for the poultry breeds which reach slaughter weight slowly(around 12 weeks).
Some Popular Poultry Breeds For Farming
There are some popular and mostly raised poultry birds. Among them chickens, turkeys, quails etc. are mostly raised poultry birds.
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