Prolapse vent is an unusual occurrence where a hen’s vent or cloaca becomes inverted and protrudes outside the body. This condition can be attributed to a variety of factors. The reassuring aspect is that it is preventable through proactive measures.
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Were talking about chicken Vent Gleet also sometimes referred to as cloacitis or thrush or pasty butt. Which is a fungal infection involving the digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Often the first signs of this infection can appear can be oozing or inflammation of the vent area. They can lose feathers, have watery feces, a swollen belly, and their posture is often changed. Some will slow down on eating and drinking because they don’t feel well.
When examining the vent, it appears to have feces stuck to the feathers and around the vent and there is a whitish discharge that can sometimes smell like fermenting yeast. Where normal droppings would be tightly packed with white urate on top.
What causes it?
Check out the video, and you will learn a ton!
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